Media Usage Rights

Welcome to ZipFlair’s copyright and media usage rights section to help clarify terminology relating to terms of purchase for specific usage rights.

Media Buyout: The media buyout grants the buyer the exclusive right to use the media without any further payments or royalties to the creator. The buyer can use the media for any purpose and for an indefinite period. This is the only option that allows the buyer to own outright and resell the content, for all other options the seller retains the copyright.

Unlimited Usage: The unlimited usage right grants the buyer the right to use the media for an unlimited number of times without any restrictions on the type of use other than to resell the media as the copyright is retained by the original seller.

Film, TV, and Streaming: The film, TV, and streaming right grants the buyer the right to use the media in a film or TV production or to stream the media on a digital platform. The media may be used in any part of the production, including the title sequence, opening credits, and end credits.

Billboards and Cinema Advertising: The billboard and cinema advertising right grants the buyer the right to use the media in advertising campaigns displayed on billboards or in cinemas. The media may be used in static or dynamic advertising campaigns and in various formats and sizes.

Online Advertising: The online advertising right grants the buyer the right to use the media in digital advertising campaigns displayed on websites, social media, or other online platforms. The media may be used in static or dynamic advertising campaigns and in various formats and sizes.

Website and Social: The website and social media right grants the buyer the right to use the media on their website or social media channels. The media may be used in any part of the website or social media posts, including headers, banners, or post images.

Editorial: The editorial right grants the buyer the right to use the media in editorial or journalistic contexts, such as newspapers, magazines, or online news sites. The media may be used to accompany articles, interviews, or other editorial content.

Live Events: The live event right grants the buyer the right to use the media in live events, such as concerts, festivals, or conferences. The media may be used to promote the event or to display the media as part of the event.

Internal Only: The internal only right grants the buyer the right to use the media for internal purposes only. The media may be used in presentations, reports, or other internal communications, but may not be shared publicly or with external parties.
Please note that these are general guidelines, and specific usage rights may vary based on individual agreements between the buyer and the creator. It is important to carefully review and understand the copyright and media usage rights before purchasing or using any media.

All licenses are granted subject to a one-year maximum usage policy, except for a media buyout license, whereby the buyer becomes the sole copyright owner for life.

Joint creators exist whereby the content was created by more than one creator or includes a brand that requires a percentage of profits. At present ZipFlair only divides profits equally via the number of accounts submitted at the point of minting. It is not currently possible to provide unequal division. If you require this option please set up a manual payment agreement between all content contributors instead of adding emails at minting.